Me in a Nutshell
I’m a doctoral student under Olga Marino supervision at Universidad de los Andes, Colombia. Previously, I worked as a software engineer (6 years) and adjunct professor (2 years). I am a Electronic Engineer and Master in Systems and Computing Engineering.
2018-11 - The paper "An Analysis of Student Representation, Representative Features and Classification Algorithms to Predict Degree Dropout. " was accepted in LAK 2019. (
2018-10 - The paper "Knowledge Graph-based Core Concept Identification in Learning Resources" was accepted in JIST 2018. (
2018-09 - The paper "Investigating learning resources precedence relations via concept prerequisite learning" was accepted in Web Intelligence 2018. (
2018-07 - The paper "SoLeMiO: Semantic Integration of Learning Material in Office" was accepted in E-Learn 2018. (
2018-06 - The paper "Knowledge Graph-based Teacher Support for Learning Material Authoring" was accepted in CCC 2018. (
2018-06 - The paper "Comparing Graph Similarity Measures for Semantic Representations of Documents" was accepted in CCC 2018. (
2017-07 - The paper "Diversified Semantic Query Reformulation" was accepted in KESW 2017. (
2017-07 - The paper "Automatic Learning Content Sequence via Linked Open Data" was accepted in ISWC Doctoral Consortium. (
2017-06 - The paper "Exploring the use of Linked Open Data for User Research Interest Modeling" was accepted in CCC 2017. (
2017-05 - The paper "How does the size of a document a ect Linked Open Data user modeling strategies?" was accepted in International Workshop on Web Personalization, Recommender Systems, and Social Media (WPRSM2017). (